Adam S. Baumgarten, MD, MBA

About Adam S. Baumgarten, MD, MBA

Adam S. Baumgarten, MD, MBA


Dr. Baumgarten joined UAB Urology after completing residency training at the University of South Florida and a fellowship in urologic trauma, reconstruction, and prosthetics at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center. His practice focuses on urethral stricture disease, erectile dysfunction, male stress urinary incontinence, Peyronie's disease, ureteral stricture disease, and genitourinary trauma.

Dr. Baumgarten serves as the Associate Program Director of the Urology Residency Program and the Director of Medical Student Education and Urology Clerkship. He is committed to fostering and training our next generation of urologic surgeons. He also serves as the Departmental Value Officer.

University of Alabama at Birmingham
Department of Urology
1720 Second Avenue South, FOT
1125 Birmingham AL 35294

Phone: (205) 996-6769
